Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Thursday, February 11, 2010

February 14, 2010

Welcome to

Holly Spring Friends Meeting

February 14th, 2010

Happy Valentine’s Day
Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. 1 John 4:8 (NIV)

SENIOR PASTOR .....................................................Todd Brown  879-8388 (home) 318-5131 (cell)
YOUTH DIRECTOR/ASSOC. PASTOR ..................Amanda Smith 879-4385 (home) 460-2100 (cell)
CLERK OF MONTHLY MEETING………...................Jeff Allen: 824-4943
CLERK OF MINISTRY & COUNSEL…........…Dan Vestal: (919) 633-2715
9:45-10:45 a.m……............SUNDAY SCHOOL for all ages
11:00 a.m…..........................…MEETING FOR WORSHIP
Congregational Hymn
Welcome and Announcements
Prayer Concerns
Children’s Story
Offering and Offertory
Special Music
Open Worship

Today’s Greeters……..... Shelia Brumley & Children
Greeters Next Sunday………....Lloyd and Mary west
Today’s Nursery Volunteer......... Beth & James Long
Nursery Volunteer Next Sunday..Camille & Amber Hinshaw
Next Sunday Children’s Message............Sara Moffitt

Office Hours:
Tues 8:00-12:00, Wed 8:00-2:00,Thurs. 5:30-7:30
All announcements for the bulletin should be called or emailed to Kathy Vuncannon by Wednesday morning of each week. If anyone needs to reserve any of the church facilities or the van, please call or e-mail Kathy with the dates and times.
Phone: 336-879-3136

Van Ministry: Need a ride to worship on Sunday mornings or to special events? WE CAN HELP!!! Please call Jon Smith (879-4385) or e-mail by Saturday or call Kathy (336) 879-3136 or e-mail by Thursday and we will make sure that you have transportation.

March 12-13, 2010 New Hope Friends Meeting Goldsboro, NC

“Practicing Peace” Guest Speaker: David Wolfe and Linda Kusse-Wolfe
Applications are in the church office.

Attention All High School Seniors and College Students:
Scholarships are available through: The USFW Eliza Armstrong Cox Scholarship Fund.
Applications can be downloaded
This will be a great opportunity for all of you to receive a little help towards your college fund. Don’t forget to apply! DEADLINE: March 15, 2010

Looking Ahead:

February 21st -------------------------------Monthly Meeting Reports Due from: Trustees, Nursery & Van Committees
March 6 & 7 --------------------------------------Youth Ski Trip
March 7-10 ---------------------------------------Spring Revival

4th Annual Senior Adults

Join us tonight for our Valentine’s Day Banquet 5:30 p.m.
In the Family Life Center
Sponsored by Holly Spring Youth

Weekend of Wellness Women’s Retreat at  Quaker Lake Camp
Worship, Relax & Fellowship
February 26-28, 2010
Registration Forms & Payments by February 22, 2010
For more information: (336) 674-2321
Arrive Friday, 7:00pm-8:00pm Depart Sunday at 2:00pm
Cost $50.00
Information and Registration Forms are available in the church office.

Prayer Ministry
Long Term Prayer Concerns

Allen, Cherri Cox, Evelyn Macon, Etta
Beane, Helen Cox, Ina Maness, Philip
Beck, Laurie Cox, Ruth McCutchen, Erin
Brady, Geneva Grubb, Norma Poole, D.C
Brown, Joyce & W.L. Koenig, Donald Williams, Deborah
Cox, Hilton & Patsy Macon, Eileen Williams, LaVerne
Macon, Elna York, Kathleen

Prayer Concerns
Crain, Hunter Koenig, Don Robbins, Jamie
Gadley, Eric Macon, Kay Mr. Roudabush
Hinshaw, Myron Matthews, Michele Setzer, Lauren
Hughes, Eddie McNeill, Glynda Stout, Ondra
Long, Preston Morris, Anita
Owens, Marilyn

Nursing Home and Assisted Living Residents
Name of Resident Nursing Home
Joyce Brown Universal Health Care
Helen Beane Universal Health Care
Elna Macon Carillon Assisted Living
Norma Grubb Randolph Health & Rehabilitation Center
Ina Cox Crossroads Retirement Community

Contact Information for: Eddie & Marion Hughes
237 Croomcrest Road
Asheboro, NC 27205

Myron Hinshaw
High Point Regional Health System
Intensive Rehabilitation Unit
Room C-400 4th Floor
601 North Elm Street
High Point, NC 27262

Sunday school Attendance –94
Visitors –3
Offering – $39.15
Worship Service Attendance –132
NCYM Intern Program Offering $400.00

Offerings General Fund Land w/Fund-raising Total
Last Sunday’s $5,413.00 $520.00 $5,933.00
Weekly Budget Req. $3,306.06 $582.69 $3,888.75
Variance Weekly $2,106.94 $-62.69 $2,044.25
Year to Date $20,152.56 $2,865.01 $23,017.57
Budget Y-T-D $19,836.36 $3,496.14 $23,332.50

Food Pantry Items for February:
CUOC ..........................................Spaghetti and Sauce
Ramseur ..................................................................Soup

Holly Spring Friends Meeting

Mission Statement:

“Friends at Holly Spring are called to help people know Jesus Christ and to receive them into the family of faith, where all are nurtured toward Christ-like character and prepared for our ministry in the church and life mission in the world, so we might please God and honor His name.”

February 7, 2010

Welcome to

Holly Spring Friends Meeting

February 7th, 2010

SENIOR PASTOR .....................................................Todd Brown

879-8388 (home) 318-5131 (cell)

YOUTH DIRECTOR/ASSOC. PASTOR ..................Amanda Smith

879-4385 (home) 460-2100 (cell)

CLERK OF MONTHLY MEETING………...................Jeff Allen: 824-4943

CLERK OF MINISTRY & COUNSEL…........…Dan Vestal: (919) 633-2715

INTERN………………..…………………………...................................Eric Grubb
9:45-10:45 a.m……............SUNDAY SCHOOL for all ages
11:00 a.m…..........................…MEETING FOR WORSHIP
11:00 a.m. …………………………………….Children’s Church  (Ages 4-2nd Grade/Grades 3-5)

Praise and Worship............. “Here We Go Again”
Welcome and Announcements
Prayer Concerns
Offering and Offertory
Special Music
Message – Presented by Holly Spring Youth
Open Worship
Congregational Hymn .... #59 -“Jesus Paid It All”

*A love offering will be received at the rise of worship today to support North Carolina Yearly Meeting’s Intern Program.


Today’s Greeters……..... Tom and Christine Allen
Greeters Next Sunday………....Shelia Brumley & Children
Today’s Nursery Volunteer....................... Mary Smith
Nursery Volunteer Next Sunday...........Beth & James Long
Next Sunday Children’s Message............Sara Moffitt
Office Hours:
Tues 8:00-12:00, Wed 8:00-2:00,Thurs. 5:30-7:30
All announcements for the bulletin should be called or emailed to Kathy Vuncannon by Wednesday morning of each week. If anyone needs to reserve any of the church facilities or the van, please call or e-mail Kathy with the dates and times.
Phone: 336-879-3136

Van Ministry: Need a ride to worship on Sunday mornings or to special events? WE CAN HELP!!! Please call Jon Smith (879-4385) or e-mail by Saturday or call Kathy (336) 879-3136 or e-mail by Thursday and we will make sure that you have transportation.

Adult Bible Study Series
You are invited to a special series on prayer continuing until our Spring Revival. Prayer can change lives & bring revival like nothing else can. We will discover the keys that unlock the power of prayer in our lives. Each study will include a 15 min. DVD teaching by Jim Cymbala, pastor of the Brooklyn Tabernacle, along with group Bible study, discussion & practical application of truths learned.

Looking Ahead:
February 15th ---------------------------Ministry and Counsel
February 18th --------------------Vision Committee Meeting
February 21st -------------------------------Monthly Meeting
Reports Due from: Trustees, Nursery & Van Committees
March 6 & 7 --------------------------------------Youth Ski Trip
March 7-10 ---------------------------------------Spring Revival

Soup-er Bowl Luncheon  Join us Today!

Following Worship
*Donations only – all proceeds benefit the land purchase*
There will also be a silent auction on homemade cakes!

February 7th Deadline for Committee Reports for Ministry & counsel will be extended one week DUE February 14th. Reports can be handed in to Dan Vestal or put in clerk of Ministry & Counsel mailbox.

4th Annual Senior Adults Valentine’s Day Banquet

Next, Sunday, February 14th 5:30 p.m.

In the Family Life Center

Sponsored by Holly Spring Youth

Prayer Ministry
Long Term Prayer Concerns

Allen, Cherri Cox, Evelyn Macon, Etta

Beane, Helen Cox, Ina Maness, Philip

Beck, Laurie Cox, Ruth McCutchen, Erin

Brady, Geneva Grubb, Norma Poole, D.C

Brown, Joyce & W.L. Koenig, Donald Williams, Deborah

Cox, Hilton & Patsy Macon, Eileen Williams, LaVerne

Macon, Elna York, Kathleen

Prayer Concerns

Crain, Hunter Koenig, Don Robbins, Jamie

Gadley, Eric Macon, Kay Mr. Roudabush

Hinshaw, Myron Matthews, Michele Setzer, Lauren

Hughes, Eddie McNeill, Glynda Stout, Ondra

Long, Preston Morris, Anita York, Jeremiah

Owens, Marilyn

Nursing Home and Assisted Living Residents
Name of Resident Nursing Home

Joyce Brown Universal Health Care
Helen Beane Universal Health Care
Elna Macon Carillon Assisted Living
Norma Grubb Randolph Health & Rehabilitation Center
Ina Cox Crossroads Retirement Community

Contact Information for:
Eddie & Marion Hughes
237 Croomcrest Road
Asheboro, NC 27205

Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. Hebrews 4:16

STEWARDSHIP REPORT FOR  January 24th, 2010
Sunday school Attendance – 97
Visitors – 1
Offering – $64.30
Worship Service Attendance –183
Food Pantries Offering ............................$120.00

Offerings General Fund Land w/Fund-raising Total

Last Sunday’s $3,116.00 $1,410.00 $4,526.00

Weekly Budget Req. $3,306.06 $582.69 $3,888.75

Variance Weekly $-190.06 $827.31 $637.25

Year to Date $14,739.55 $2,345.00 $17,084.55

Budget Y-T-D $13,224.24 $2,330.76 $15,555.00

Food Patry Items for February:
CUOC ..........................................Spaghetti and Sauce
Ramseur ..................................................................Soup

Holly Spring Friends Meeting
Mission Statement:

“Friends at Holly Spring are called to help people know Jesus Christ and to receive them into the family of faith, where all are nurtured toward Christ-like character and prepared for our ministry in the church and life mission in the world, so we might please God and honor His name.”

January 31, 2010

Welcome to

Holly Spring Friends Meeting

January 31, 2010

SENIOR PASTOR .....................................................Todd Brown

879-8388 (home) 318-5131 (cell)

YOUTH DIRECTOR/ASSOC. PASTOR ..................Amanda Smith

879-4385 (home) 460-2100 (cell)
CLERK OF MONTHLY MEETING………...................Jeff Allen: 824-4943

CLERK OF MINISTRY & COUNSEL…........…Dan Vestal: (919) 633-2715

INTERN………………..…………………………...................................Eric Grubb

9:45-10:45 a.m……............SUNDAY SCHOOL for all ages
11:00 a.m…..........................…MEETING FOR WORSHIP



Praise and Worship............. “Here We Go Again”

Welcome and Announcements

Prayer Concerns

Children’s Story

Offering and Offertory

Special Music

Message – Presented by Holly Spring Youth

Open Worship

Congregational Hymn .... #59 -“Jesus Paid It All”


*A love offering will be received at the rise of worship today to support North Carolina Yearly Meeting’s Intern Program.


Today’s Greeters……..... Danny and Vickie Alexander

Greeters Next Sunday………….….....Tom and Christine Allen

Today’s Nursery Volunteer.......................Janice Cheek

Nursery Volunteer Next Sunday.....................Mary Smith

Office Hours:

Tues 8:00-12:00, Wed 8:00-2:00,Thurs. 5:30-7:30
All announcements for the bulletin should be called or emailed to Kathy Vuncannon by Wednesday morning of each week. If anyone needs to reserve any of the church facilities or the van, please call or e-mail Kathy with the dates and times.
Phone: 336-879-3136

Van Ministry: Need a ride to worship on Sunday mornings or to special events? WE CAN HELP!!! Please call Jon Smith (879-4385) or e-mail by Saturday or call Kathy (336) 879-3136 or e-mail by Thursday and we will make sure that you have transportation.

Adult Bible Study Series
You are invited to a special series on prayer continuing until our Spring Revival.
Prayer can change lives & bring revival like nothing else can. We will discover the keys that unlock the power of prayer in our lives. Each study will include a 15 min. DVD teaching by Jim Cymbala, pastor of the Brooklyn Tabernacle, along with group Bible study, discussion & practical application
of truths learned.

Looking Ahead:

February 6th ---------------------- Youth Winter Jam Concert

February 9th -----------Friends Supporting Friends 7:00pm

February 15th ---------------------------Ministry and Counsel

February 18th --------------------Vision Committee Meeting

February 21st -------------------------------Monthly Meeting

Reports Due from: Trustees, Nursery & Van Committees

March 7-10 ---------------------------------------Spring Revival

Soup-er Bowl Luncheon

Next Sunday, February 7, 2010

Following Worship   *Donations only – all proceeds benefit the land purchase*

There will also be a silent auction on homemade cakes!

4th Annual Senior Adults

Valentine’s Day Banquet

Sunday, February 14th

5:30 p.m. In the Family Life Center

Sponsored by Holly Spring Youth

Prayer Ministry
Long Term Prayer Concerns

Allen, Cherri Cox, Evelyn Macon, Etta

Beane, Helen Cox, Ina Maness, Philip

Beck, Laurie Cox, Ruth McCutchen, Erin

Brady, Geneva Grubb, Norma Poole, D.C

Brown, Joyce & W.L. Koenig, Donald Williams, Deborah

Cox, Hilton & Patsy Macon, Eileen Williams, LaVerne

Macon, Elna York, Kathleen

Prayer Concerns

Crain, Hunter Koenig, Don Robbins, Jamie

Gadley, Eric Macon, Kay Mr. Roudabush

Hinshaw, Myron Matthews, Michele Setzer, Lauren

Hughes, Eddie McNeill, Glynda Stout, Ondra

Long, Preston Morris, Anita York, Jeremiah

Nursing Home and Assisted Living Residents
Name of Resident Nursing Home

Joyce Brown Universal Health Care
Helen Beane Universal Health Care
Elna Macon Carillon Assisted Living
Norma Grubb Randolph Health & Rehabilitation Center
Ina Cox Crossroads Retirement Community

Contact Information for:

Eddie & Marion Hughes
237 Croomcrest Road
Asheboro, NC 27205

Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.Hebrews 4:16

STEWARDSHIP REPORT FOR  January 24th, 2010
Sunday school Attendance – 97
Visitors – 1
Offering – $64.30
Worship Service Attendance –183
Food Pantries Offering ............................$120.00

Offerings General Fund Land w/Fund-raising Total

Last Sunday’s $3,116.00 $1,410.00 $4,526.00

Weekly Budget Req. $3,306.06 $582.69 $3,888.75

Variance Weekly $-190.06 $827.31 $637.25

Year to Date $14,739.55 $2,345.00 $17,084.55

BudgetY-T-D $13,224.24 $2,330.76 $15,555.00

Food Patry Items for February:
CUOC ..........................................Spaghetti and Sauce
Ramseur ..................................................................Soup
Holly Spring Friends Meeting Mission Statement:

“Friends at Holly Spring are called to help people know Jesus Christ and to receive them into the family of faith, where all are nurtured toward Christ-like character and prepared for our ministry in the church and life mission in the world, so we might please God and honor His name.”

January 24, 2010

"Snow Day" at Holly Spring Friends Church"

January 24, 2010

Snow Day No Church

Sunday, February 7, 2010