Welcome to
Holly Spring Friends Meeting
November 8, 2009
SENIOR PASTOR........................................................ Todd Brown: 879-8388/318-5131 (cell)
YOUTH DIRECTOR/ASSOC. PASTOR..................... Amanda Smith: 879-4385/460-2100 (cell)
CLERK OF MONTHLY MEETING............................................................... Jeff Allen: 824-4943
CLERK OF MINISTRY & COUNSEL.................................................. Darren Trogdon: 824-8525
Office Hours:– Tues 8:00-12:00/Wed 8:00-2:00/Thurs 5:30-8:00
V All announcements for the bulletin should be called or emailed to Kathy Vuncannon by Wednesday morning of each week. If anyone needs to reserve any of the church facilities or the van, please call or e-mail Kathy with the dates and times.
Phone: 336-879-3136 ▪ Email: hollyspring@rtmc.net ▪ Website: www.hollyspring.org
Van Ministry: Need a ride to worship on Sunday mornings or to special events? WE CAN HELP!!! Please call Jon Smith (879-4385) by Saturday and we will make sure that you have transportation.
9:45-10:45 a.m.............................................. SUNDAY SCHOOL for all ages
11:00 a.m.......................................................... MEETING FOR WORSHIP
Prelude and Centering Down
Congregational Hymn
Welcome and Announcements
Prayer Concerns
Children’s Message
Offering and Offertory
Choral Ministry
Open Worship
*A love offering will be received at the rise of worship today for the CUOC and Ramseur Food Pantries.
Today’s Greeters................................................................................ Gary and Judy Cox
Greeters Next Sunday…………………………............................... Ronald and Revonda Cox
Today’s Nursery Volunteers.................................. Vickie Alexander and Katie Vestal
Nursery Volunteers Next Sunday............................................ Kathy and Landon Allen
MONDAY 7:00pm Ministry and Counsel
TUESDAY 9:00-10:00 am Movers & Shakers
WEDNESDAY 6:30pm Adult Bible Study
6:30pm Children’s Christmas Program Practice
6:30pm Youth Meeting
7:30pm Choir Rehearsal
THURSDAY 6:30pm Vision Committee
7:00 pm Alive and Well Exercise Group
FRIDAY 9:00-10:00am Movers & Shakers
SATURDAY 4:00-9:00pm Parent’s Night Out
Looking Ahead:
Nov 15th Monthly Meeting
(Reports dues from: Finance & Nominating Committee)
Nov 18th Senior Citizen Bingo at FBC in Ramseur
Nov 21st Southern Quarterly Mtg. at Marlboro Friends.
Nov 22nd Covered Dish Thanksgiving Meal following Worship
Nov 25th No Services
Nov 29th Youth Sunday!
If you would like to attend the Billy Graham movie at Bethel Friends Meeting on
November 21, 2009--
Please sign-up on the clipboard in the foyer.
A love offering will be received next Sunday, November 15, 2009 for Share the Blessing II, to benefit the NCYM Ministers’ Retirement Fund.
CUOC Food Pantry Items for November: 5lb. bags of potatoes
Ramseur Food Pantry for November: Green Beans
Sunday School Attendance –97 Visitors –1 Offering – $43.25
Worship Service Attendance –151
Designated Contributions:
Williams Land Fund…………………………………………………………………… $100.00
John Maness Memorial (Land Fund)……………………………………………$175.00
GENERAL FUND STATUS (w/o Williams Land)
Last Sunday’s Offering
Year-to-Date Offerings
Year-to-Date Requirement
$ 4970.00
General Fund Weekly Requirement (w/o Williams Land)........................ $3,703.52
General Fund Weekly Requirement (with Williams Land)....................... $4,294.06
Prayer Ministry
Long Term Prayer Concerns
Allen, Cherri
Cox, Evelyn
Macon, Etta
Beane, Helen
Cox, Ina
Maness, Philip
Beck, Laurie
Craven, Lynden
McCutchen, Erin
Brady, Geneva
Grubb, Norma
McDowell, Helen
Brower, Jason
Koenig, Donald
Williams, Deborah
Brown, Joyce & W.L.
Macon, Eileen
Williams, LaVerne
Cox, Hilton & Patsy
Macon, Elna & J.H.
York, Kathleen
Prayer Concerns
Baker, Bonnie
Baker, Lelia
Leach, Rachel
Ross, Robb
Barnes, Patsy
Henson, Bobby
Linthicum, Pat & Mary
Vuncannon, Kathy
Cox, Ruth
Hinshaw, Myron
Nash, Rush
Underwood, Steven
Dickens, David
Hyatt, Elaine
Poole, D.C.
Williamson, Peggy
Frye, Linnie
Friend, Kerry Jean
Ross, Rob
York, Carly
Nursing Home Residents
Resident Nursing Home
Joyce Brown Universal Health Care
Helen Beane Universal Health Care
Ocho Scott Universal Health Care
Elna Macon Carillon Assisted Living
Norma Grub Gray Brier Nursing & Retirement Cntr.
Holly Spring Friends Meeting
November 8, 2009
SENIOR PASTOR........................................................ Todd Brown: 879-8388/318-5131 (cell)
YOUTH DIRECTOR/ASSOC. PASTOR..................... Amanda Smith: 879-4385/460-2100 (cell)
CLERK OF MONTHLY MEETING............................................................... Jeff Allen: 824-4943
CLERK OF MINISTRY & COUNSEL.................................................. Darren Trogdon: 824-8525
Office Hours:– Tues 8:00-12:00/Wed 8:00-2:00/Thurs 5:30-8:00
V All announcements for the bulletin should be called or emailed to Kathy Vuncannon by Wednesday morning of each week. If anyone needs to reserve any of the church facilities or the van, please call or e-mail Kathy with the dates and times.
Phone: 336-879-3136 ▪ Email: hollyspring@rtmc.net ▪ Website: www.hollyspring.org
Van Ministry: Need a ride to worship on Sunday mornings or to special events? WE CAN HELP!!! Please call Jon Smith (879-4385) by Saturday and we will make sure that you have transportation.
9:45-10:45 a.m.............................................. SUNDAY SCHOOL for all ages
11:00 a.m.......................................................... MEETING FOR WORSHIP
Prelude and Centering Down
Congregational Hymn
Welcome and Announcements
Prayer Concerns
Children’s Message
Offering and Offertory
Choral Ministry
Open Worship
*A love offering will be received at the rise of worship today for the CUOC and Ramseur Food Pantries.
Today’s Greeters................................................................................ Gary and Judy Cox
Greeters Next Sunday…………………………............................... Ronald and Revonda Cox
Today’s Nursery Volunteers.................................. Vickie Alexander and Katie Vestal
Nursery Volunteers Next Sunday............................................ Kathy and Landon Allen
MONDAY 7:00pm Ministry and Counsel
TUESDAY 9:00-10:00 am Movers & Shakers
WEDNESDAY 6:30pm Adult Bible Study
6:30pm Children’s Christmas Program Practice
6:30pm Youth Meeting
7:30pm Choir Rehearsal
THURSDAY 6:30pm Vision Committee
7:00 pm Alive and Well Exercise Group
FRIDAY 9:00-10:00am Movers & Shakers
SATURDAY 4:00-9:00pm Parent’s Night Out
Looking Ahead:
Nov 15th Monthly Meeting
(Reports dues from: Finance & Nominating Committee)
Nov 18th Senior Citizen Bingo at FBC in Ramseur
Nov 21st Southern Quarterly Mtg. at Marlboro Friends.
Nov 22nd Covered Dish Thanksgiving Meal following Worship
Nov 25th No Services
Nov 29th Youth Sunday!
If you would like to attend the Billy Graham movie at Bethel Friends Meeting on
November 21, 2009--
Please sign-up on the clipboard in the foyer.
A love offering will be received next Sunday, November 15, 2009 for Share the Blessing II, to benefit the NCYM Ministers’ Retirement Fund.
CUOC Food Pantry Items for November: 5lb. bags of potatoes
Ramseur Food Pantry for November: Green Beans
Sunday School Attendance –97 Visitors –1 Offering – $43.25
Worship Service Attendance –151
Designated Contributions:
Williams Land Fund…………………………………………………………………… $100.00
John Maness Memorial (Land Fund)……………………………………………$175.00
GENERAL FUND STATUS (w/o Williams Land)
Last Sunday’s Offering
Year-to-Date Offerings
Year-to-Date Requirement
$ 4970.00
General Fund Weekly Requirement (w/o Williams Land)........................ $3,703.52
General Fund Weekly Requirement (with Williams Land)....................... $4,294.06
Prayer Ministry
Long Term Prayer Concerns
Allen, Cherri
Cox, Evelyn
Macon, Etta
Beane, Helen
Cox, Ina
Maness, Philip
Beck, Laurie
Craven, Lynden
McCutchen, Erin
Brady, Geneva
Grubb, Norma
McDowell, Helen
Brower, Jason
Koenig, Donald
Williams, Deborah
Brown, Joyce & W.L.
Macon, Eileen
Williams, LaVerne
Cox, Hilton & Patsy
Macon, Elna & J.H.
York, Kathleen
Prayer Concerns
Baker, Bonnie
Baker, Lelia
Leach, Rachel
Ross, Robb
Barnes, Patsy
Henson, Bobby
Linthicum, Pat & Mary
Vuncannon, Kathy
Cox, Ruth
Hinshaw, Myron
Nash, Rush
Underwood, Steven
Dickens, David
Hyatt, Elaine
Poole, D.C.
Williamson, Peggy
Frye, Linnie
Friend, Kerry Jean
Ross, Rob
York, Carly
Nursing Home Residents
Resident Nursing Home
Joyce Brown Universal Health Care
Helen Beane Universal Health Care
Ocho Scott Universal Health Care
Elna Macon Carillon Assisted Living
Norma Grub Gray Brier Nursing & Retirement Cntr.
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