Tuesday, October 27, 2009

October 18, 2009 Bullentin

Welcome to
Holly Spring Friends Meeting
October is Stewardship Month
October 18th, 2009
SENIOR PASTOR........................................................ Todd Brown: 879-8388/318-5131 (cell)
YOUTH DIRECTOR/ASSOC. PASTOR..................... Amanda Smith: 879-4385/460-2100 (cell)
CLERK OF MONTHLY MEETING............................................................... Jeff Allen: 824-4943
CLERK OF MINISTRY & COUNSEL.................................................. Darren Trogdon: 824-8525

Church Office Hours: Tues/Wed/Thurs 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon
All announcements for the bulletin should be called or emailed to Kathy Vuncannon in the church office by Wednesday morning of each week. If anyone needs to reserve any of the church facilities or the church van, please call or e-mail Kathy with the dates and times.
Church Phone: 336-879-3136
Email: hollyspring@rtmc.net ▪ Website: www.hollyspring.org

Van Ministry: Need a ride to church on Sunday mornings or to special events? WE CAN HELP!!! Please call Jon Smith 879-4385 by Saturday and we will make sure that you have transportation. You may also call the church office by Thursday’s.

9:45-10:45 a.m.............................................. SUNDAY SCHOOL for all ages
11:00 a.m.......................................................... MEETING FOR WORSHIP
Prelude and Centering Down
Congregational Hymn
Welcome and Announcements
Prayer Concerns
Children’s Message
Offering and Offertory
Special Music-----Tanner Henson
Open Worship

Today’s Greeters....................................... Tim & Linda Poole and Children
Greeters Next Sunday…………………………................... .Sam Phillips and Wade Robbins

Today’s Nursery Volunteers................................. Camille & Amber Hinshaw
Nursery Volunteers Next Sunday................................................................... Mary West


TODAY Monthly Meeting following morning Worship Reporting Committees are: House & Grounds Committees and Missions
MONDAY 7:00pm Finance Committee Meeting
TUESDAY 9:00-10:00 Movers & Shakers
WEDNESDAY 11:30 am Senior Citizen BINGO!!!!!!! Please join us at Franklinville Pentecostal Holiness Church
6:30pm Adult Bible Study
6:30pm God’s Helpers
6:30pm Youth Meeting
Refreshments: Vickie Alexander
7:30pm Choir Rehearsal
THRUSDAY 7:00 pm Alive and Well Exercise Group
FRIDAY 9:00-10:00 Movers & Shakers

Looking Ahead:
Oct 25th---Youth will provide a fellowship meal following worship.
Oct 31st---Light of the Night Celebration!!!!!

Pumpkin Festival Quaker Lake at October 25th Join us for an afternoon of fun and fellowship. (God’s Helper’s) will be leaving the church at 2:00 and returning at 6:30 Parent volunteers are welcome to attend please let Jennifer Trogdon (336) 824-8525 know if you can participant. The Pumpkin Festival will include Hay Rides, Games, Smores, Music and PUMPKINS! See you there!

HELP WANTED: A great new position is now available. The Christian Education Committee is searching for a wonderful, talented, exciting person that would love to become our Children’s Christmas Program Director/Directors. We are taking any and all volunteers for this wonderful experience so don’t hesitate to contact Mary West at 879-5483 or any one on the Christian Education Committee…….

CUOC Food Pantry Items for October: Green Beans
Ramseur Food Pantry for October: Pork n Beans

Sunday School Attendance –102 Visitors – 3 Offering – $173.00
Worship Service Attendance –117
Designated Contributions:
Williams Land Fund…………………………………………………………………… $280.00
Roast Beef Meal………………………………………………………………………… $2,322.50
CUOC/Ramseur Food Pantry………………………………………………………..$216.00

GENERAL FUND STATUS (w/o Williams Land)
Last Sunday’s Offering
Year-to-Date Offerings
Year-to-Date Requirement
$ 3,884.04
General Fund Weekly Requirement (w/o Williams Land)........................ $3,765.06
General Fund Weekly Requirement (with Williams Land)....................... $4,240.73

Prayer Ministry
Long Term Prayer Concerns

Allen, Cherri
Cox, Evelyn
Macon, Etta
Beane, Helen
Cox, Ina
Maness, Philip
Beck, Laurie
Craven, Lynden
McCutchen, Erin
Brady, Geneva
Grubb, Norma
McDowell, Helen
Brower, Jason
Koenig, Donald
Williams, Deborah
Brown, Joyce & W.L.
Macon, Eileen
Williams, LaVerne
Cox, Hilton & Patsy
Macon, Elna & J.H.
York, Kathleen

Prayer Concerns

Cox, Ruth
Hyatt, Elaine
Family of John Maness
Dickens, David
Kerry Jean Friend
Poole, D.C.
Frye, Linnie
Koenig, Cole
Spivey, Rebecca
Gettig, Chuck
Leach, Rachel
Underwood, Steven
Henson, Bobby
Lednum, Garland
Hinshaw, Myron
Linthicum, Pat & Mary

Nursing Home Residents
Name of Resident Nursing Home
Joyce Brown Universal Health Care
Helen Beane Universal Health Care
Ocho Scott Universal Health Care
Elna Macon Carillon Assisted Living
Norma Grub Gray Brier Nursing & Retirement Center

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