Tuesday, October 27, 2009

September 27th, 2009 Bullentin

September 27th, 2009 Bullentin
Welcome to Holly Spring Friends Meeting
September 27th, 2009

SENIOR PASTOR Todd Brown: 879-8388/318-5131 (cell)

YOUTH DIRECTOR/ASSOC. PASTOR Amanda Smith: 879-4385/460-2100 (cell)


CLERK OF MINISTRY & COUNSEL Darren Trogdon: 824-8525

Church Office Hours: Tues/Wed/Thurs 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon

 All announcements for the bulletin should be called or emailed to Kathy Vuncannon in the church office by Wednesday morning of each week. If anyone needs to reserve any of the church facilities or the church van, please call or e-mail Kathy with the dates and times.

 Church Phone: 336-879-3136

Email: hollyspring@rtmc.net ▪ Website: www.hollyspring.org

9:45-10:45 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL for all ages


Prelude and Centering Down


Congregational Hymn

Welcome and Announcements

Prayer Concerns

Children’s Story

Offering and Offertory

Choral Ministry

Open Worship



Welcoming of “New Members” ----Right Hand of Fellowship


Today’s Greeters Joe and Phyllis Allen

Greeters Next Sunday…………………………........ .Robin & Kathy Robbins

Today’s Nursery Volunteers Janice Cheek

Nursery Volunteers Next Sunday Mary Smith


CUOC Food Pantry Items for September: Laundry/Dish Detergent

Ramseur Food Pantry for September: Dried Beans

Looking Ahead:
Oct 2---Afternoon USFW Missionary Circle will be meeting at 1:00
Oct 3----Movie Night here at Holly Spring Church. More information coming soon!
Oct 5-----Quaker Ladies Meeting in the Family Life Center at
7:00pm Program Leader: Ruth Cox Our Hostess: Jennifer Trogdon
Oct 21----Senior Citizen BINGO!!!!!!! Save the date you don’t
want to miss a great morning full of fun, fellowship, and
excitement! Please join us at Franklinville Pentecostal Holiness

We would like to lift up John Maness up in prayer along with his family. We just wanted to provide you with his address if you would like to visit with him or his family and also to send out cards to brighten his day.
Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center
C/O John Maness
Medical Center Blvd.
Winston-Salem, NC 2715 Phone: 1-800-446-2255

Youth that want to have fun along with fellowship you don’t want to miss October 4th. Mark it on your calendar and plan on attending a great golfing experience at “Glo-Golf. Our youth will be leaving right after church for lunch and an exciting game of miniature golf in the dark!!!
Please join us as we welcome the newsest members to Holly Spring Friends Meeting: Julia Cook & Ocho Scott. WELCOME!


Sunday School Attendance – 17 Visitors –0 Offering – $11.00
Worship Service Attendance –120
Designated Contributions:

Williams Land Fund…………………………………………………………………… $410.00
Teen Challenge………………………………………………………………………… $120.00

CUOC………………………… $125.00 Ramseur Food Pantry……………….$125.00

GENERAL FUND STATUS (w/o Williams Land)
Last Sunday’s Offering ---$ 2,303.00
Year-to-Date Offerings ---$125,580.42
Year-to-Date Requirement---$143,072.25
General Fund Weekly Requirement (w/o Williams Land) $3,765.06
General Fund Weekly Requirement (with Williams Land) $4,240.73

Prayer Ministry
Long Term Prayer Concerns
Allen, Cherri Cox, Evelyn Macon, Etta
Beane, Helen Cox, Ina Maness, Philip
Beck, Laurie Craven, Lynden McCutchen, Erin
Brady, Geneva Grubb, Norma Williams, Deborah
Brower, Jason Koenig, Donald Williams, LaVerne
Brown, Joyce & W.L. Macon, Eileen York, Kathleen
Cox, Hilton & Patsy Macon, Elna & J.H.

Prayer Concerns
Allen, Addison DeLuca, Summer Maness, John
Byers, Louise Frye, Linnie Poole, D.C.
Thomas Garrison Family
Butler, Jimmy Hinshaw, Myron Rush, Nash
Cox, Marsha Hyatt, Elaine Spivey, Rebecca
Cox, Ruth Leach, Rachel Underwood, Steven
Craven, Lynden Linthicum, Pat & Mary Withrow, Kenny

Nursing Home Residents
Name of Resident Nursing Home
Joyce Brown Universal Health Care
Helen Beane Universal Health Care
Elna Macon Carillon Assisted Living
Norma Grub Gray Brier Nursing & Retirement Center

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