Sunday, December 27, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
December 27th Bulletin
Holly Spring Friends Meeting
December 27th, 2009
SENIOR PASTOR........................................................ Todd Brown: 879-8388/318-5131 (cell)
YOUTH DIRECTOR/ASSOC. PASTOR..................... Amanda Smith: 879-4385/460-2100 (cell)
CLERK OF MONTHLY MEETING............................................................... Jeff Allen: 824-4943
CLERK OF MINISTRY & COUNSEL.................................................. Darren Trogdon: 824-8525
INTERN………………………………………………………………………………………..Eric Grubb
Office Hours:– Tues 8:00-12:00/Wed 8:00-2:00/Thurs 5:30-7:30
V All announcements for the bulletin should be called or emailed to Kathy Vuncannon by Wednesday morning of each week. If anyone needs to reserve any of the church facilities or the van, please call or e-mail Kathy with the dates and times.
Phone: 336-879-3136 ▪ Email: ▪ Website:
Van Ministry: Need a ride to worship on Sunday mornings or to special events? WE CAN HELP!!! Please call Jon Smith (879-4385) by Saturday and we will make sure that you have transportation.
9:45-10:45 a.m.............................................. SUNDAY SCHOOL for all ages
11:00 a.m.......................................................... MEETING FOR WORSHIP
Prelude and Centering Down
Congregational Hymn
Welcome and Announcements
Prayer Concerns
Children’s Message
Offering and Offertory
Choral Ministry
Open Worship
Today’s Greeters............................................................. Dan & Patricia Vestal and Girls
Greeters Next Sunday…………………………................................ Wade and Carol Robbins
Today’s Nursery Volunteers....................................................................... Karen Koenig
Nursery Volunteers Next Sunday............................................ Kevin and Maria Koenig
Next Sunday Children’s Churc………Ages 4--2nd Grade & 3rd Grade--5th Grade
Dec 30th---No Wednesday Night Services
Dec 31st---- New Year’s Eve Service from 7:30pm-12:00pm
Jan. 3rd---- New Year’s Service at 6:30 at
Ramseur Wesleyan, sponsored by Ramseur
Ministerial Association.
***Wednesday night activities will resume on
January 6th, 2010***
Looking Ahead:
January 5th 7:00 USFW Quaker Ladies
January 8th 1:00 Afternoon USFW Missionary Circle
January 9th 7:00 Movie Night
January 11th 7:00 Ministry & Counsel Meeting
January 14th 6:30 Vision Committee Meeting
January 10th, 2010 at 6:00
We will be holding
New Year’s Eve Service
7:30pm--12:00 midnight
Games, Food, Fun and Fellowship will follow in the Family Life Center from 9:00-12:00midnight
Activities will include, skits, Christian comedian and much more…..bring the New Year in with your church family!
Everyone is asked to bring a finger-food or dessert and a favorite board game to share!
CUOC Food Pantry Items for December: Soup
Ramseur Food Pantry for December: 5lb. bag of potatoes
Sunday School Attendance – 92 Visitors – 4 Offering – $68.00
Worship Service Attendance –181
Designated Contributions:
Williams Land Fund…………………………………………………………………….…$1,976.00
Love Offering…………………………………………………………………………………$1,200.00
CUOC/Ramseur Food Pantry………………………………………………………….$529.00
GENERAL FUND STATUS (w/o Williams Land)
Last Sunday’s Offering
Year-to-Date Offerings
Year-to-Date Requirement
$ 4,507.39
General Fund Weekly Requirement (w/o Williams Land)........................ $3,703.52
General Fund Weekly Requirement (with Williams Land)....................... $4,294.06
Prayer Ministry
Long Term Prayer Concerns
Allen, Cherri
Cox, Evelyn
Macon, Etta
Beane, Helen
Cox, Ina
Maness, Philip
Beck, Laurie
Grubb, Norma
McCutchen, Erin
Brady, Geneva
Hinshaw, Myron
McDowell, Helen
Brower, Jason
Koenig, Donald
Williams, LaVerne
Brown, Joyce & W.L.
Macon, Eileen
York, Kathleen
Cox, Hilton & Patsy
Macon, Elna
Prayer Concerns
Beck, Gracie
Dalton, Bryan
Poole, D.C.
Elma Reynolds Family
Beck, Laurie
Lynden Craven Family
Staley, Brenda
Underwood, Steven
Cardoza, Steven
Linthicum, Pat & Mary
Smith, Gary
Williams, Deborah
Marsha Cox Family
Morris, Anita
Stout, Ondra
Cox, Ruth
Nursing Home Residents
Resident Nursing Home
Joyce Brown Universal Health Care
Helen Beane Universal Health Care
Ocho Scott Universal Health Care
Elna Macon Carillon Assisted Living
Norma Grub Gray Brier Nursing & Retirement Cntr.
December 20th Bulletin
Holly Spring Friends Meeting
December 20th, 2009
SENIOR PASTOR........................................................ Todd Brown: 879-8388/318-5131 (cell)
YOUTH DIRECTOR/ASSOC. PASTOR..................... Amanda Smith: 879-4385/460-2100 (cell)
CLERK OF MONTHLY MEETING............................................................... Jeff Allen: 824-4943
CLERK OF MINISTRY & COUNSEL.................................................. Darren Trogdon: 824-8525
INTERN………………………………………………………………………………………..Eric Grubb
Office Hours:– Tues 8:00-12:00/Wed 8:00-2:00/Thurs 5:30-7:30
All announcements for the bulletin should be called or emailed to Kathy Vuncannon by Wednesday morning of each week. If anyone needs to reserve any of the church facilities or the van, please call or e-mail Kathy with the dates and times.
Phone: 336-879-3136 ▪ Email: ▪ Website:
Van Ministry: Need a ride to worship on Sunday mornings or to special events? WE CAN HELP!!! Please call Jon Smith (879-4385) by Saturday and we will make sure that you have transportation.
9:45-10:45 a.m.............................................. SUNDAY SCHOOL for all ages
11:00 a.m.......................................................... MEETING FOR WORSHIP
Prelude and Centering Down
Congregational Hymn
Welcome and Announcements
Prayer Concerns
Offering and Offertory
Choir Cantata-------“Bethlehem Morning”
Open Worship
Today’s Greeters....................................................... Joe and Josephine Moore
Greeters Next Sunday…………………………...................... Dan & Patricia Vestal and Girls
Today’s Nursery Volunteers......................................................................... Judy Cox
Nursery Volunteers Next Sunday............................................................... Karen Koenig
Children’s Message Next Sunday…………………………………….….Shelia Brumley
SUNDAY NIGHT: Dec 20th----5:30-7:00pm—
Christmas Party for God’s Helper’s & Woody
Missionary!! Don’t forget to bring your reading books for gift exchange!
Dec 20th ----5:30-7:00---Youth Christmas Party
Dec 23rd—No Wednesday Night Services
Dec 25th – Merry Christmas to Everyone
Dec 30th---No Wednesday Night Services
New Year’s Eve Service
Service will begin at 7:30
Games, Food, Fun and Fellowship will follow in the
Family Life Center from
Activities will include, skits, Christian comedian and much more…..bring the New Year in with your church family! Everyone is asked to bring a finger-food or desert to share and their favorite board game!
New Year’s Service on January 3rd, 2010 at
Ramseur Wesleyan Church at 6:30, sponsored by
Ramseur Ministerial Association.
January 10th, 2010 at 6:00
We will be holding
CUOC Food Pantry Items for December: Soup
Ramseur Food Pantry for December:
5lb. bag of potatoes
Sunday School Attendance –85 Visitors –2 Offering – $1.76
Worship Service Attendance –136
Designated Contributions:
Williams Land Fund………………………………………............ …………………………… $758.00
GENERAL FUND STATUS (w/o Williams Land)
Last Sunday’s Offering
Year-to-Date Offerings
Year-to-Date Requirement
$ 4,341.02
General Fund Weekly Requirement (w/o Williams Land)........................ $3,703.52
General Fund Weekly Requirement (with Williams Land)....................... $4,294.06
Prayer Ministry
Long Term Prayer Concerns
Allen, Cherri
Cox, Evelyn
Macon, Etta
Beane, Helen
Cox, Ina
Maness, Philip
Beck, Laurie
Grubb, Norma
McCutchen, Erin
Brady, Geneva
Hinshaw, Myron
McDowell, Helen
Brower, Jason
Koenig, Donald
Williams, LaVerne
Brown, Joyce & W.L.
Macon, Eileen
York, Kathleen
Cox, Hilton & Patsy
Macon, Elna
Prayer Concerns
Beck, Gracie
Cox, Ruth
Poole, D.C.
Elma Reynolds Family
Beck, Laurie
Lynden Craven Family
Staley, Brenda
Underwood, Steven
Cardoza, Steven
Linthicum, Pat & Mary
Smith, Gary
Williams, Deborah
Marsha Cox Family
Morris, Anita
Nursing Home Residents
Resident Nursing Home
Joyce Brown Universal Health Care
Helen Beane Universal Health Care
Ocho Scott Universal Health Care
Elna Macon Carillon Assisted Living
Norma Grub Gray Brier Nursing & Retirement Cntr.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Children's Christmas Program
Our Children’s
Christmas Program
Tree-Mendous Love…..
...From the Manger
…….To the Cross
December 13th, 2009
Our Cast of Characters include:
Jackson Albright Taylor Kelly
Madison Albright Karen Koenig
Chelsea Bigelow Mackenzie Koenig
Justin Brooks Beth Long
Anna Leigh Brown Preston Long
Adele Brumley Eddie Ortega
Luke Brumley Linda Poole
Cameron Cox Olivia Poole
Christian Cox Cameron Potter
Eli Cox Daniel Potter
Nicole Cox Tiffany Potter
John Gann Anna Smith
Kendon Gann Jon Smith
Martin Gann Judy Smith
Ethan Garner Brittany Stout
Ellis Greene Neva Thomsen
Wyatt Greene Grace Trogdon
Macy Henson Samuel Trogdon
Taylor Henson Jeremiah York
Amber Hinshaw Josiah York
Camille Hinshaw
Noah Hudson
Holly Spring Children’s
Christmas Program
December 13th, 2009
Thanks to everyone for coming out to help us celebrate God's Tree-Mendus Love, where we look at Jesus' life from the Manger to the Cross. Our children, along with some of our youth and adults, have worked hard to prepare for the message of God's love in this play.
Also, a BIG Thanks to our support team who provided our music, sound and power point presentation:
Connie Purvis, Darren Trogdon,
Ian Thomsen & Mandy Smith
Please stay after our play for a time of
fellowship and refreshments!!
Merry Christmas to Everyone!!
Christmas Passage Matthew 1:20-25:
But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying, "Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife, for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost.
And she shall bring forth a Son, and thou shalt call His name JESUS, for He shall save His people from their sins."
Now all this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying,
“Behold, a virgin shall be with child and shall bring forth a Son, and they shall call His name Emmanuel" (which being interpreted is, "God with us").
Then Joseph, being raised from sleep, did as the angel of the Lord had bidden him, and took unto him his wife,
25and knew her not until she had brought forth her firstborn Son. And he called His name JESUS.
December 13th Bullentin
Holly Spring Friends Meeting
December 13th, 2009
SENIOR PASTOR........................................................ Todd Brown: 879-8388/318-5131 (cell)
YOUTH DIRECTOR/ASSOC. PASTOR..................... Amanda Smith: 879-4385/460-2100 (cell)
CLERK OF MONTHLY MEETING............................................................... Jeff Allen: 824-4943
CLERK OF MINISTRY & COUNSEL.................................................. Darren Trogdon: 824-8525
INTERN………………………………………………………………………………………..Eric Grubb
Office Hours:– Tues 8:00-12:00/Wed 8:00-2:00/Thurs 5:30-8:00
Phone: 336-879-3136 ▪ Email: ▪ Website:
Van Ministry: Need a ride to worship on Sunday mornings or to special events? WE CAN HELP!!! Please call Jon Smith (879-4385) by Saturday and we will make sure that you have transportation.
9:45-10:45 a.m.............................................. SUNDAY SCHOOL for all ages
11:00 a.m.......................................................... MEETING FOR WORSHIP
Prelude and Centering Down
Congregational Hymn----O Come, O Come, Emmanuel #24
Welcome and Announcements
Prayer Concerns
Children’s Message
Offering and Offertory
Special Music---Angels, from the Realms of Glory #71
Open Worship
*A love offering will be received at the rise of worship today for the CUOC and Ramseur Food Pantries.
Today’s Greeters........................................................ Wade and Carol Robbins
Greeters Next Sunday………………………….............................. Joe and Josephine Moore
Today’s Nursery Volunteers............................................... Linda & Olivia Poole
Nursery Volunteers Next Sunday....................................................................... Judy Cox
Children’s Message Next Sunday……………………………………….….Sarah Moffitt
SUNDAY 6:00pm Join us this evening for our Children’s
Christmas Program….Refreshments will follow
MONDAY 7:00pm Ministry & Counsel Meeting
WEDNESDAY 6:30pm Church Community Christmas Caroling
6:30pm Youth Meeting:
Refreshments—Janice Cheek
7:30pm Choir Rehearsal
THURSDAY 7:00 pm Alive and Well Exercise Group
SATURDAY 9:00am Choral Rehearsal for Christmas Cantata
Looking Ahead:
Dec 23rd------- No Wednesday Night Services
Dec 30st------- No Wednesday Night Services
Dec 31st ------ 7:30pm New Year’s Eve Service
Dec. 20th----- 11:00am---Christmas Cantata
Dec 20th----5:30-7:00pm—Christmas Party for God’s Helper’s & Woody Missionary!! Don’t forget to bring your reading books for gift exchange!
Dec 20th ----5:30-7:00---Youth Christmas Party
New Year’s Eve Service
Service will begin at 7:30
Games, Food, Fun and Fellowship will follow in the
Family Life Center from 9:00-12:00pm
Activities will include, skits, Christian comedian and much more…..bring the New Year in with your church family! Everyone is asked to bring a finger-food or dessert to share!
New Year’s Service on January 3rd, 2010 at
Ramseur Wesleyan Church at 6:30, sponsored by
Ramseur Ministerial Association.
CUOC Food Pantry Items for December: Soup
Ramseur Food Pantry for December: 5lb. bag of potatoes
Sunday School Attendance – 103 Visitors – 5 Offering – $32.16
Worship Service Attendance –158
Designated Contributions:
Williams Land Fund………………………………………............ …………………………… $102.00
Movie Night (Land)……………………………………………..…………………………….. $29.00
GENERAL FUND STATUS (w/o Williams Land)
Last Sunday’s Offering----
Year-to-Date Offerings
Year-to-Date Requirement
$ 3,492.76
General Fund Weekly Requirement (w/o Williams Land)........................ $3,703.52
General Fund Weekly Requirement (with Williams Land)....................... $4,294.06
Prayer Ministry
Long Term Prayer Concerns
Allen, Cherri
Cox, Evelyn
Macon, Etta
Beane, Helen
Cox, Ina
Maness, Philip
Beck, Laurie
Grubb, Norma
McCutchen, Erin
Brady, Geneva
Hinshaw, Myron
McDowell, Helen
Brower, Jason
Koenig, Donald
Williams, LaVerne
Brown, Joyce & W.L.
Macon, Eileen
York, Kathleen
Cox, Hilton & Patsy
Macon, Elna
Beck, Gracie
Friend, Kerry Jean
Poole, D.C.
Dereck Weaver Family
Cardoza, Steven
Linthicum, Pat & Mary
Staley, Brenda
Williams, Deborah
Cox, Ruth
Maness, Samantha
Elma Reynolds Family
George Wilson Family
Lynden Craven Family
Morris, Anita
Underwood, Steven
Nursing Home Residents
Resident Nursing Home
Joyce Brown Universal Health Care
Helen Beane Universal Health Care
Ocho Scott Universal Health Care
Elna Macon Carillon Assisted Living
Norma Grub Gray Brier Nursing & Retirement Cntr.
Nursing Home Residents
Resident Nursing Home
Joyce Brown Universal Health Care
Helen Beane Universal Health Care
Ocho Scott Universal Health Care
Elna Macon Carillon Assisted Living
Norma Grub Gray Brier Nursing & Retirement Cntr.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
December 6th Bulletin
Holly Spring Friends Meeting
December 6th, 2009
SENIOR PASTOR........................................................ Todd Brown: 879-8388/318-5131 (cell)
YOUTH DIRECTOR/ASSOC. PASTOR..................... Amanda Smith: 879-4385/460-2100 (cell)
CLERK OF MONTHLY MEETING............................................................... Jeff Allen: 824-4943
CLERK OF MINISTRY & COUNSEL.................................................. Darren Trogdon: 824-8525
INTERN………………………………………………………………………………………..Eric Grubb
Office Hours:– Tues 8:00-12:00/Wed 8:00-2:00/Thurs 5:30-8:00
All announcements for the bulletin should be called or emailed to Kathy Vuncannon by Wednesday morning of each week. If anyone needs to reserve any of the church facilities or the van, please call or e-mail Kathy with the dates and times.
Phone: 336-879-3136 ▪ Email: ▪ Website:
Van Ministry: Need a ride to worship on Sunday mornings or to special events? WE CAN HELP!!! Please call Jon Smith (879-4385) by Saturday and we will make sure that you have transportation.
9:45-10:45 a.m.............................................. SUNDAY SCHOOL for all ages
11:00 am....................... Children’s Church (ages 4-2nd Grade/Grades 3-5)
11:00 a.m.......................................................... MEETING FOR WORSHIP
Prelude and Centering Down
Congregational Hymn
Welcome and Announcements
Prayer Concerns
Offering and Offertory
Choral Ministry
Open Worship
Today’s Greeters................................... Jeff and Karen Koenig and Chase
Greeters Next Sunday…………………………................................ Wade and Carol Robbins
Today’s Nursery Volunteers............................................. Terri and Scott Tuttle
Nursery Volunteers Next Sunday................................................... Linda & Olivia Poole
Children’s Message Next Sunday……………………………………….….Sarah Moffitt
SUNDAY 6:00pm Meet at Carillon Asst. Living for a time of Christmas Cards and
TUESDAY 9:00-10:00 am Movers & Shakers
WEDNESDAY 6:30pm Adult Bible Study
6:30pm Children’s Christmas Program Practice
6:30pm Youth Meeting: Refreshments—Julie York
7:30pm Choir Rehearsal
THURSDAY 7:00 pm Alive and Well Exercise Group
FRIDAY 9:00-10:00am Movers & Shakers
Looking Ahead:
Dec 13th--------6:00pm Children’s Christmas Program
Dec 14th-------7:00pm Ministry & Counsel Meeting
Dec 16th-------6:30pm Christmas caroling in the Church Community
Dec 19th-------9:00am Choral Rehearsal for Christmas Cantata
Dec 20th-------11:00am Choir Christmas Cantata
Dec 20th -------5:30-7:00pm Christmas Party for God's Helpers and
Dec 23rd------- No Wednesday Night Services
Dec 30st------- No Wednesday Night Services
Dec 31st ------ 7:30pm New Year’s Eve Service
The Youth will be having their party on December 20, 2009 from 5:30-7:00 in the youth room. Come and share the Christmas spirit with us. We are looking forward to having a lot fun and fellowship. For more information contact Mandy Smith at 879-4385 or 460-2100.
New Year’s Eve Service
Service will begin at 7:30
Games, Food, Fun and Fellowship will follow in the
Family Life Center from 9:00-12:00pm
Activities will include, skits, Christian comedian and much more…..bring the New Year in with your church family!
CUOC Food Pantry Items for December: Soup
Ramseur Food Pantry for December: 5lb. bag of potatoes
Sunday School Attendance - 90 Visitors – 5 Offering – $34.47
Worship Service Attendance –150
Designated Contributions:
Williams Land Fund……………………………………….............. …………………………… $70.00
GENERAL FUND STATUS (w/o Williams Land)
Last Sunday’s Offering
Year-to-Date Offerings
Year-to-Date Requirement
$ 3,310.00
General Fund Weekly Requirement (w/o Williams Land)........................ $3,703.52
General Fund Weekly Requirement (with Williams Land)....................... $4,294.06
Prayer Ministry
Long Term Prayer Concerns
Allen, Cherri
Cox, Evelyn
Macon, Etta
Beane, Helen
Cox, Ina
Maness, Philip
Beck, Laurie
Craven, Lynden
McCutchen, Erin
Brady, Geneva
Grubb, Norma
McDowell, Helen
Brower, Jason
Koenig, Donald
Williams, Deborah
Brown, Joyce & W.L.
Macon, Eileen
Williams, LaVerne
Cox, Hilton & Patsy
Macon, Elna
York, Kathleen
Prayer Concerns
Baker, Bonnie
Friend, Kerry Jean
Maness, Philip
Staley, Brenda
Boyles, Julian “Jay”
Graham, Libby
Maness, Samantha
Reynolds, Elma
Cardoza, Steven
Hinshaw, Myron
Morris, Anita
Underwood, Steven
Cox, Marsha
King, Zachary
Nash, Rush
Williamson, Peggy
Cox, Ruth
Linthicum, Pat & Mary
Poole, D.C.
J.H. Macon Family
Nursing Home Residents
Resident Nursing Home
Joyce Brown Universal Health Care
Helen Beane Universal Health Care
Ocho Scott Universal Health Care
Elna Macon Carillon Assisted Living
Norma Grub Gray Brier Nursing & Retirement Cntr.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
November 29th Bulletin
Holly Spring Friends Meeting
Youth Sunday
November 29th, 2009
SENIOR PASTOR........................................................ Todd Brown: 879-8388/318-5131 (cell)
YOUTH DIRECTOR/ASSOC. PASTOR..................... Amanda Smith: 879-4385/460-2100 (cell)
CLERK OF MONTHLY MEETING............................................................... Jeff Allen: 824-4943
CLERK OF MINISTRY & COUNSEL.................................................. Darren Trogdon: 824-8525
INTERN………………………………………………………………………………………..Eric Grubb
Office Hours:– Tues 8:00-12:00/Wed 8:00-2:00/Thurs 5:30-8:00
V All announcements for the bulletin should be called or emailed to Kathy Vuncannon by Wednesday morning of each week. If anyone needs to reserve any of the church facilities or the van, please call or e-mail Kathy with the dates and times.
Phone: 336-879-3136 ▪ Email: ▪ Website:
Van Ministry: Need a ride to worship on Sunday mornings or to special events? WE CAN HELP!!! Please call Jon Smith (879-4385) by Saturday and we will make sure that you have transportation.
9:45-10:45 a.m.............................................. SUNDAY SCHOOL for all ages
11:00 a.m.......................................................... MEETING FOR WORSHIP
Prelude and Centering Down
Praise & Worship
Welcome and Announcements
Prayer Concerns
Children’s Message
Offering and Offertory
Special Music
Ambassadors for Christ Recap!
Open Worship
Praise & Worship
Called Monthly Meeting at the rise of worship.
Today’s Greeters................................. Dan and Patricia Vestal and Girls
Greeters Next Sunday…………………………................. Jeff and Karen Koenig and Chase
Today’s Nursery Volunteers.............................................. Carla & Amber Shaw
Nursery Volunteers Next Sunday................................................. Terri and Scott Tuttle
TUESDAY 9:00-10:00 am Movers & Shakers
6:30pm USFW Quaker Ladies & Missionary
Joint Circle Meeting @ 6:30 pm at the
home of Patricia Vestal. Don’t forget
your $5.00 Secret Santa gift and
remember to bring your Christmas
WEDNESDAY 6:30pm Adult Bible Study
6:30pm Children’s Christmas Program Practice
6:30pm Youth Meeting:
Refreshments—Julie York
7:30pm Choir Rehearsal
THURSDAY 7:00 pm Alive and Well Exercise Group
FRIDAY 9:00-10:00am Movers & Shakers
SATURDAY 7:00pm Movie Night
Looking Ahead:
Dec 14th-------7:00pm Ministry & Counsel Meeting
Dec 19th-------9:00am Choral Rehearsal for Christmas Cantata
Dec 20th-------11:00am Choir Christmas Cantata
Come join us Saturday night for some Christmas fun with your entire family as we watch the movie “ELF” starring Wil Farrel. This is a Christmas movie you will not want to miss; best of all the popcorn is FREE!!
The Youth will be having their party on December 20, 2009 from 5:30-7:00 in the youth room. Come and share the Christmas spirit with us. We are looking forward to having a lot fun and fellowship. For more information contact Mandy Smith at 879-4385 or 460-2100.
Please feel free to call, send cards or stop for a visit to see
J.H.Macon---Room #4 -----(336) 474-2096
The Hinkle House
202 Hospice Way
Lexington, NC 27292
CUOC Food Pantry Items for December: Soup
Ramseur Food Pantry for December: 5lb. bag of potatoes
Sunday School Attendance - 78 Visitors – 2 Offering – $175.76
Worship Service Attendance –159
Designated Contributions:
Williams Land Fund………………………………………............ …………………………… $210.00
Share the Blessing II……………………..................................................... ……………$40.00
GENERAL FUND STATUS (w/o Williams Land)
Last Sunday’s Offering
Year-to-Date Offerings
Year-to-Date Requirement
$ 3,769.49
General Fund Weekly Requirement (w/o Williams Land)........................ $3,703.52
General Fund Weekly Requirement (with Williams Land)....................... $4,294.06
Prayer Ministry
Long Term Prayer Concerns
Allen, Cherri
Cox, Evelyn
Macon, Etta
Beane, Helen
Cox, Ina
Maness, Philip
Beck, Laurie
Craven, Lynden
McCutchen, Erin
Brady, Geneva
Grubb, Norma
McDowell, Helen
Brower, Jason
Koenig, Donald
Williams, Deborah
Brown, Joyce & W.L.
Macon, Eileen
Williams, LaVerne
Cox, Hilton & Patsy
Macon, Elna & J.H.
York, Kathleen
Prayer Concerns
Baker, Bonnie
Cox, Ruth
Linthicum, Pat & Mary
Reynolds, Elma
Lelia Baker Family
Friend, Kerry Jean
Morris, Anita
Underwood, Steven
Boyles, Julian “Jay”
Graham, Libby
Nash, Rush
Williamson, Peggy
Cox, Marsha
Hinshaw, Myron
Poole, D.C.
York, Carly
King, Zachary
Nursing Home Residents
Resident Nursing Home
Joyce Brown Universal Health Care
Helen Beane Universal Health Care
Ocho Scott Universal Health Care
Elna Macon Carillon Assisted Living
Norma Grub Gray Brier Nursing & Retirement Cntr.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Do you need a Ride to Holly Spring???
Holly Spring Children's Monthly Events
1st Wednesday of the Month is Woody Missionary Group 6:30-7:30 pm
2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th Wednesday's of the Month is God's Helpers 6:30-7:30
We are now practicing for our Christmas play call Tree-Mendous Love.........from now until our performance which will be on December 13th.
You ask how old do my children have to be to get involved all children up to 5th grade!!!!1
Please bring your children out on Wednesday evenings and enjoy an evening of Bible study and fellowship with us here at Holly Spring and don't forget to come and worship with us during children's church.
November 15th, 2009 Bullentin
Holly Spring Friends Meeting
November 15, 2009
SENIOR PASTOR........................................................ Todd Brown: 879-8388/318-5131 (cell)
YOUTH DIRECTOR/ASSOC. PASTOR..................... Amanda Smith: 879-4385/460-2100 (cell)
CLERK OF MONTHLY MEETING............................................................... Jeff Allen: 824-4943
CLERK OF MINISTRY & COUNSEL.................................................. Darren Trogdon: 824-8525
INTERIN………………………………………………………………………………………..Eric Grubb
Office Hours:– Tues 8:00-12:00/Wed 8:00-2:00/Thurs 5:30-8:00
V All announcements for the bulletin should be called or emailed to Kathy Vuncannon by Wednesday morning of each week. If anyone needs to reserve any of the church facilities or the van, please call or e-mail Kathy with the dates and times.
Phone: 336-879-3136 ▪ Email: ▪ Website:
Van Ministry: Need a ride to worship on Sunday mornings or to special events? WE CAN HELP!!! Please call Jon Smith (879-4385) by Saturday and we will make sure that you have transportation.
9:45-10:45 a.m.............................................. SUNDAY SCHOOL for all ages
11:00 a.m.......................................................... MEETING FOR WORSHIP
Prelude and Centering Down
Congregational Hymn
Welcome and Announcements
Prayer Concerns
Children’s Message
Offering and Offertory
Choral Ministry
Open Worship
*A Special offering will be received today for Share the Blessing II, which will benefit the NCYM Minister’s Retirement Fund.*
Today - Monthly Meeting
(Reports dues from: Finance & Nominating Committee)
Today’s Greeters...................................................... Ronald and Revonda Cox
Greeters Next Sunday…………………………................................ Gary Smith and Children
Today’s Nursery Volunteers.................................... Kathy and Landon Allen
Nursery Volunteers Next Sunday............................................................. Kathy Robbins
TUESDAY 9:00-10:00 am Movers & Shakers
WEDNESDAY 11:30am Senior Citizen Bingo at FBC in
6:30pm Adult Bible Study
6:30pm Children’s Christmas Program
6:30pm Youth Meeting
7:30pm Youth Sunday Practice
7:30pm Choir Rehearsal
THURSDAY 7:00 pm Alive and Well Exercise Group
FRIDAY 9:00-10:00am Movers & Shakers
SATURDAY 10:00am Southern Quarter Mtg. @Marlboro Friends
Looking Ahead:
Nov 25th No Services
Nov 29th Youth Sunday!
If you would like to attend the Billy Graham movie at Bethel Friends Meeting on
November 21, 2009--
Please sign-up on the clipboard in the foyer.
Immediately following our Holly Spring Friends Meeting Thanksgiving Meals on November 22nd, 2009, we will have a daytime hayride to give everyone an opportunity to see our land. Bring a change of clothes if necessary.
We need your help!!! December is coming up fast and so is the deadline for our newsletter. I need to know about all the special events that will be happening here at Holly Spring Friends Meeting by November 23, 2009. I do realize that our 1st newsletter did get off to a late start but I am back and ready to roll!! So please give me all of your December news and any upcoming events in January that you would like to see and read about as soon as possible. Thanks, Kathy
CUOC Food Pantry Items for November: 5lb. bags of potatoes
Ramseur Food Pantry for November: Green Beans
Sunday School Attendance - 88 Visitors –0 Offering – $49.00
Worship Service Attendance –129
Designated Contributions:
Williams Land Fund………………………………………............ …………………………… $380.00
CUOC/Ramseur Food Pantries……………………................................... ……………$75.00
GENERAL FUND STATUS (w/o Williams Land)
Last Sunday’s Offering
Year-to-Date Offerings
Year-to-Date Requirement
$ 3,881.60
General Fund Weekly Requirement (w/o Williams Land)........................ $3,703.52
General Fund Weekly Requirement (with Williams Land)....................... $4,294.06
Prayer Ministry
Long Term Prayer Concerns
Allen, Cherri
Cox, Evelyn
Macon, Etta
Beane, Helen
Cox, Ina
Maness, Philip
Beck, Laurie
Craven, Lynden
McCutchen, Erin
Brady, Geneva
Grubb, Norma
McDowell, Helen
Brower, Jason
Koenig, Donald
Williams, Deborah
Brown, Joyce & W.L.
Macon, Eileen
Williams, LaVerne
Cox, Hilton & Patsy
Macon, Elna & J.H.
York, Kathleen
Prayer Concerns
Baker, Bonnie
Cox, Ruth
Martha Lilly Family
Reynolds, Elma
Baker, Lelia
Friend, Kerry Jean
Nash, Rush
Williamson, Peggy
Barnes, Patsy
Hinshaw, Myron
Poole, D.C.
York, Carly
Cox, Marsha
Nursing Home Residents
Resident Nursing Home
Joyce Brown Universal Health Care
Helen Beane Universal Health Care
Ocho Scott Universal Health Care
Elna Macon Carillon Assisted Living
Norma Grub Gray Brier Nursing & Retirement Cntr.
November 8th, 2009 Bullentin
Holly Spring Friends Meeting
November 8, 2009
SENIOR PASTOR........................................................ Todd Brown: 879-8388/318-5131 (cell)
YOUTH DIRECTOR/ASSOC. PASTOR..................... Amanda Smith: 879-4385/460-2100 (cell)
CLERK OF MONTHLY MEETING............................................................... Jeff Allen: 824-4943
CLERK OF MINISTRY & COUNSEL.................................................. Darren Trogdon: 824-8525
Office Hours:– Tues 8:00-12:00/Wed 8:00-2:00/Thurs 5:30-8:00
V All announcements for the bulletin should be called or emailed to Kathy Vuncannon by Wednesday morning of each week. If anyone needs to reserve any of the church facilities or the van, please call or e-mail Kathy with the dates and times.
Phone: 336-879-3136 ▪ Email: ▪ Website:
Van Ministry: Need a ride to worship on Sunday mornings or to special events? WE CAN HELP!!! Please call Jon Smith (879-4385) by Saturday and we will make sure that you have transportation.
9:45-10:45 a.m.............................................. SUNDAY SCHOOL for all ages
11:00 a.m.......................................................... MEETING FOR WORSHIP
Prelude and Centering Down
Congregational Hymn
Welcome and Announcements
Prayer Concerns
Children’s Message
Offering and Offertory
Choral Ministry
Open Worship
*A love offering will be received at the rise of worship today for the CUOC and Ramseur Food Pantries.
Today’s Greeters................................................................................ Gary and Judy Cox
Greeters Next Sunday…………………………............................... Ronald and Revonda Cox
Today’s Nursery Volunteers.................................. Vickie Alexander and Katie Vestal
Nursery Volunteers Next Sunday............................................ Kathy and Landon Allen
MONDAY 7:00pm Ministry and Counsel
TUESDAY 9:00-10:00 am Movers & Shakers
WEDNESDAY 6:30pm Adult Bible Study
6:30pm Children’s Christmas Program Practice
6:30pm Youth Meeting
7:30pm Choir Rehearsal
THURSDAY 6:30pm Vision Committee
7:00 pm Alive and Well Exercise Group
FRIDAY 9:00-10:00am Movers & Shakers
SATURDAY 4:00-9:00pm Parent’s Night Out
Looking Ahead:
Nov 15th Monthly Meeting
(Reports dues from: Finance & Nominating Committee)
Nov 18th Senior Citizen Bingo at FBC in Ramseur
Nov 21st Southern Quarterly Mtg. at Marlboro Friends.
Nov 22nd Covered Dish Thanksgiving Meal following Worship
Nov 25th No Services
Nov 29th Youth Sunday!
If you would like to attend the Billy Graham movie at Bethel Friends Meeting on
November 21, 2009--
Please sign-up on the clipboard in the foyer.
A love offering will be received next Sunday, November 15, 2009 for Share the Blessing II, to benefit the NCYM Ministers’ Retirement Fund.
CUOC Food Pantry Items for November: 5lb. bags of potatoes
Ramseur Food Pantry for November: Green Beans
Sunday School Attendance –97 Visitors –1 Offering – $43.25
Worship Service Attendance –151
Designated Contributions:
Williams Land Fund…………………………………………………………………… $100.00
John Maness Memorial (Land Fund)……………………………………………$175.00
GENERAL FUND STATUS (w/o Williams Land)
Last Sunday’s Offering
Year-to-Date Offerings
Year-to-Date Requirement
$ 4970.00
General Fund Weekly Requirement (w/o Williams Land)........................ $3,703.52
General Fund Weekly Requirement (with Williams Land)....................... $4,294.06
Prayer Ministry
Long Term Prayer Concerns
Allen, Cherri
Cox, Evelyn
Macon, Etta
Beane, Helen
Cox, Ina
Maness, Philip
Beck, Laurie
Craven, Lynden
McCutchen, Erin
Brady, Geneva
Grubb, Norma
McDowell, Helen
Brower, Jason
Koenig, Donald
Williams, Deborah
Brown, Joyce & W.L.
Macon, Eileen
Williams, LaVerne
Cox, Hilton & Patsy
Macon, Elna & J.H.
York, Kathleen
Prayer Concerns
Baker, Bonnie
Baker, Lelia
Leach, Rachel
Ross, Robb
Barnes, Patsy
Henson, Bobby
Linthicum, Pat & Mary
Vuncannon, Kathy
Cox, Ruth
Hinshaw, Myron
Nash, Rush
Underwood, Steven
Dickens, David
Hyatt, Elaine
Poole, D.C.
Williamson, Peggy
Frye, Linnie
Friend, Kerry Jean
Ross, Rob
York, Carly
Nursing Home Residents
Resident Nursing Home
Joyce Brown Universal Health Care
Helen Beane Universal Health Care
Ocho Scott Universal Health Care
Elna Macon Carillon Assisted Living
Norma Grub Gray Brier Nursing & Retirement Cntr.
November 1, 2009 Bullentin
Holly Spring Friends Meeting
November 1, 2009
SENIOR PASTOR........................................................ Todd Brown: 879-8388/318-5131 (cell)
YOUTH DIRECTOR/ASSOC. PASTOR..................... Amanda Smith: 879-4385/460-2100 (cell)
CLERK OF MONTHLY MEETING............................................................... Jeff Allen: 824-4943
CLERK OF MINISTRY & COUNSEL.................................................. Darren Trogdon: 824-8525
Office Hours:– Tues 8:00-12:00/Wed 8:00-2:00/Thurs 5:30-8:00
V All announcements for the bulletin should be called or emailed to Kathy Vuncannon by Wednesday morning of each week. If anyone needs to reserve any of the church facilities or the van, please call or e-mail Kathy with the dates and times.
V Church Phone: 336-879-3136
Email: ▪ Website:
V Van Ministry: Need a ride to worship on Sunday mornings or to special events? WE CAN HELP!!! Please call Jon Smith (879-4385) by Saturday and we will make sure that you have transportation. You may also call the church office by Thursday’s.
9:45-10:45 a.m.............................................. SUNDAY SCHOOL for all ages
11:00 am....................... Children’s Church (ages 4-2nd Grade/Grades 3-5)
11:00 a.m.......................................................... MEETING FOR WORSHIP
HELP WANTED: A great new position is now available. The Christian Education Committee is searching for a wonderful, talented, exciting
person /people that would love to become our Children’s Christmas Program Director/Directors. We are taking any and all volunteers for this wonderful experience so don’t hesitate to contact Mary West at 879-5483 or any one on the Christian Education Committee
Prelude and Centering Down
Congregational Hymn
Welcome and Announcements
Prayer Concerns
Offering and Offertory
Choral Ministry
Open Worship
Today’s Greeters.................................................. Winford and Diane Reeder
Greeters Next Sunday………………………….......................................... .Gary and Judy Cox
Today’s Nursery Volunteers................................................ Beth & Steven Grose
Nursery Volunteers Next Sunday........................................................ Vickie Alexander
TUESDAY 9:00-10:00 am Movers & Shakers
7:00pm Quaker Ladies Meeting
Program Leader: Judy Craven Hostess: Judy Cox
WEDNESDAY 6:30pm Adult Bible Study
6:30pm Woody Missionary Group
6:30pm Coffee House
Refreshments: Amy & Patricia
7:30pm Choir Rehearsal
7:00 pm Alive and Well Exercise Group
FRIDAY 9:00-10:00am Movers & Shakers
1:00pm USFW Missionary Circle Meeting
Looking Ahead:
Nov 4th-7th Photo Directory Pictures
Nov 8th Love offering for CUOC & Ramseur Food Pantries.
Nov 9th Ministry & Counsel Meeting @ 7:00pm
Nov 12th Vision Committee Meeting @ 6:30pm
Nov 15th Monthly Meeting
(Reports dues from: Finance & Nominating Committee)
Nov 18th Senior Citizen Bingo at First Baptist Church in Ramseur!
Now that our Sunday School class has learned how to live ”FEARLESS”, with the help of Max Lucado, we’re ready to learn how to apply these teachings. For the next 6 weeks we will be learning and studying with John Ortberg and the series “IF YOU WANT TO WALK ON WATER, YOU‘VE GOT TO GET OUT OF THE BOAT”
There will also be a sign-up sheet for volunteers to provide a light breakfast.
**If you would like to attend the Billy Graham movie at Bethel Friends Meeting on November 21st, please sign-up on the clipboard in the foyer.**
CUOC Food Pantry Items for November: 5lbs. bag of potatoes
Ramseur Food Pantry for November: Green Beans
Sunday School Attendance –90 Visitors –3 Offering – $44.25
Worship Service Attendance –169
Designated Contributions:
Williams Land Fund…………………………………………………………………… $320.00
John Maness Memorial (Land Fund)…………………………………………….$40.00
Ambassadors for Christ Meal………………………………………………………$517.00
GENERAL FUND STATUS (w/o Williams Land)
Last Sunday’s Offering
Year-to-Date Offerings
Year-to-Date Requirement
$ 3611.75
General Fund Weekly Requirement (w/o Williams Land)........................ $3,765.06
General Fund Weekly Requirement (with Williams Land)....................... $4,240.73
VPrayer MinistryV
Long Term Prayer Concerns
Allen, Cherri
Cox, Evelyn
Macon, Etta
Beane, Helen
Cox, Ina
Maness, Philip
Beck, Laurie
Craven, Lynden
McCutchen, Erin
Brady, Geneva
Grubb, Norma
McDowell, Helen
Brower, Jason
Koenig, Donald
Williams, Deborah
Brown, Joyce & W.L.
Macon, Eileen
Williams, LaVerne
Cox, Hilton & Patsy
Macon, Elna & J.H.
York, Kathleen
Prayer Concerns
Baker, Bonnie
Getting, Chuck
Leach, Rachel
Vuncannon, Kathy
Barnes, Patsy
Henson, Bobby
Linthicum, Pat & Mary
Rush, Nash
Cox, Ruth
Hinshaw, Myron
Nixon, Doug
Spivey, Rebecca
Dickens, David
Hyatt, Elaine
Poole, D.C.
Underwood, Steven
Frye, Linnie
Friends, Kerry Jean
Ross, Rob
Williamson, Peggy
Nursing Home Residents
Resident Nursing Home
Joyce Brown Universal Health Care
Helen Beane Universal Health Care
Ocho Scott Universal Health Care
Elna Macon Carillon Assisted Living
Norma Grub Gray Brier Nursing & Retirement Cntr.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
October 4, 2009 Bulletin
Holly Spring Friends Meeting
October is Stewardship Month
October 4th, 2009
SENIOR PASTOR Todd Brown: 879-8388/318-5131 (cell)
YOUTH DIRECTOR/ASSOC. PASTOR Amanda Smith: 879-4385/460-2100 (cell)
CLERK OF MINISTRY & COUNSEL Darren Trogdon: 824-8525
Church Office Hours: Tues/Wed/Thurs 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon
All announcements for the bulletin should be called or emailed to Kathy Vuncannon in the church office by Wednesday morning of each week. If anyone needs to reserve any of the church facilities or the church van, please call or e-mail Kathy with the dates and times.
Church Phone: 336-879-3136
Email: ▪ Website:
9:45-10:45 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL for all ages
11:00 am Children’s Church (age 4-2nd Grade/Grade 3-5)
Prelude and Centering Down
Congregational Hymn
Welcome and Announcements
Prayer Concerns
Children’s Story
Offering and Offertory
Choral Ministry
Open Worship
Today’s Greeters Robin & Kathy Robbins
Greeters Next Sunday…………………………........ .David & Marcella Brittain
Today’s Nursery Volunteers Mary Smith
Nursery Volunteers Next Sunday Beth & James Long
Looking Ahead:
Oct 11----Love Offering for CUOC & Ramseur Food Pantry
Oct 12---Ministry & Counsel Meeting in Library
OCT 15—Vision Committee Meeting Oct 18---Monthly Meeting Reporting Committees are: House & Grounds Committee and Missions following morning worship
Oct 21----Senior Citizen BINGO!!!!!!! Save the date you don’t
want to miss a great morning full of fun, fellowship, and
excitement! Please join us at Franklinville Pentecostal Holiness
We would like to lift up John Maness up in prayer along with his family. We just wanted to provide you with his address if you would like to visit with him or his family and also to send out cards to brighten his day.
Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center
C/O John Maness
Medical Center Blvd.
Winston-Salem, NC 2715 Phone: 1-800-446-2255
Today is the day for fun and excitement so don’t miss this wonderful opportunity with our Youth. Come out and join us at “Glo-Golf. Our youth will be leaving right after church for lunch and an exciting game of miniature golf in the dark!!!
CUOC Food Pantry Items for October: Green Beans
Ramseur Food Pantry for October: Pork n Beans
Sunday School Attendance – 103 Visitors – 3 Offering – $69.00
Worship Service Attendance –176
Designated Contributions:
Williams Land Fund…………………………………………………………………… $230.00
GENERAL FUND STATUS (w/o Williams Land)
Last Sunday’s Offering
Year-to-Date Offerings
Year-to-Date Requirement
$ 3994.18
General Fund Weekly Requirement (w/o Williams Land) $3,765.06
General Fund Weekly Requirement (with Williams Land) $4,240.73
Prayer Ministry
Long Term Prayer Concerns
Allen, Cherri Cox, Evelyn Macon, Etta
Beane, Helen Cox, Ina Maness, Philip
Beck, Laurie Craven, Lynden McCutchen, Erin
Brady, Geneva Grubb, Norma McDowell, Helen
Brower, Jason Koenig, Donald Williams, Deborah
Brown, Joyce & W.L. Macon, Eileen Williams, LaVerne
Cox, Hilton & Patsy Macon, Elna & J.H. York, Kathleen
Prayer Concerns
Allen, Addison Linthicum, Pat & Mary
Byers, Louise Frye, Linnie Maness, John
Thomas Garrison Family Poole, D.C.
Butler, Jimmy Hinshaw, Myron Rush, Nash
Cox, Marsha Hyatt, Elaine Spivey, Rebecca
Cox, Ruth Friend of Kerry Jean Underwood, Steven
Craven, Lynden Leach, Rachel Withrow, Kenny
Nursing Home Residents
Name of Resident Nursing Home
Joyce Brown Universal Health Care
Helen Beane Universal Health Care
Elna Macon Carillon Assisted Living
Norma Grub Gray Brier Nursing & Retirement Center
October 11, 2009 Bullentin
Holly Spring Friends Meeting
October is Stewardship Month
October 11th, 2009
SENIOR PASTOR........................................................ Todd Brown: 879-8388/318-5131 (cell)
YOUTH DIRECTOR/ASSOC. PASTOR..................... Amanda Smith: 879-4385/460-2100 (cell)
CLERK OF MONTHLY MEETING............................................................... Jeff Allen: 824-4943
CLERK OF MINISTRY & COUNSEL.................................................. Darren Trogdon: 824-8525
Church Office Hours: Tues/Wed/Thurs 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon
All announcements for the bulletin should be called or emailed to Kathy Vuncannon in the church office by Wednesday morning of each week. If anyone needs to reserve any of the church facilities or the church van, please call or e-mail Kathy with the dates and times.
Church Phone: 336-879-3136
Email: ▪ Website:
9:45-10:45 a.m.............................................. SUNDAY SCHOOL for all ages
11:00 am........................................... Children’s Church (age 4-2nd Grade)
11:00 a.m.......................................................... MEETING FOR WORSHIP
Prelude and Centering Down
Congregational Hymn
Welcome and Announcements
Prayer Concerns
Children’s Story
Offering and Offertory
Choral Ministry
Open Worship
A Love Offering will be received for CUCO & Ramseur Food Pantry
Today’s Greeters................................................... David & Marcella Brittain
Greeters Next Sunday………………………….................. .Tim & Linda Poole and Children
Today’s Nursery Volunteers................................................... Beth & James Long
Nursery Volunteers Next Sunday........................................ Camille & Amber Hinshaw
SUNDAY 12:00 Missions Committee
MONDAY 7:00pm Ministry & Counsel Meeting
TUESDAY 9:00-10:00 Movers & Shakers
WEDNESDAY 6:30pm Adult Bible Study
6:30pm God’s Helpers
6:30pm Youth
Refreshments: Angie Norwood
7:30pm Choir Rehearsal
THURSDAY 6:30pm Vision Committee Meeting
7:00 pm Alive and Well Exercise Group
FRIDAY 9:00-10:00 Movers & Shakers
Looking Ahead:
Oct 18---Monthly Meeting Reporting following morning worship Committees are: House & Grounds Committee and Missions
Oct 21----Senior Citizen BINGO!!!!!!! Save the date you don’t want to miss a great morning full of fun, fellowship, and excitement! Please join us at Franklinville Pentecostal Holiness Church
We would like to lift up John Maness up in prayer along with his family. We just wanted to provide you with his address if you would like to visit with him or his family and also to send out cards to brighten his day.
Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center
C/O John Maness
Medical Center Blvd.
Winston-Salem, NC 2715 Phone: 1-800-446-2255
We would like to thank everyone who played a role in this year’s ROAST BEEF MEAL. It was a huge success. May God Bless all of you for your hard work and dedication, in planning and carrying out such a wonderful event.
HELP WANTED: A great new position is now available. The Christian Education Committee is searching for a wonderful, talented, exciting person that would love to become our Children’s Christmas Program Director/Directors. We are taking any and all volunteers for this wonderful experience so don’t hesitate to contact any Mary West at 879-5483 or any one on the Christian Education Committee…….
CUOC Food Pantry Items for October: Green Beans
Ramseur Food Pantry for October: Pork n Beans
Sunday School Attendance –80 Visitors – 1 Offering – $25.00
Worship Service Attendance –117
Designated Contributions:
Williams Land Fund…………………………………………………………………… $130.00
Movie Night……………………………………………………………………………… $34.50
GENERAL FUND STATUS (w/o Williams Land)
Last Sunday’s Offering
Year-to-Date Offerings
Year-to-Date Requirement
$ 3,098.07
General Fund Weekly Requirement (w/o Williams Land)........................ $3,765.06
General Fund Weekly Requirement (with Williams Land)....................... $4,240.73
Prayer Ministry
Long Term Prayer Concerns
Allen, Cherri
Cox, Evelyn
Macon, Etta
Beane, Helen
Cox, Ina
Maness, Philip
Beck, Laurie
Craven, Lynden
McCutchen, Erin
Brady, Geneva
Grubb, Norma
McDowell, Helen
Brower, Jason
Koenig, Donald
Williams, Deborah
Brown, Joyce & W.L.
Macon, Eileen
Williams, LaVerne
Cox, Hilton & Patsy
Macon, Elna & J.H.
York, Kathleen
Prayer Concerns
Allen, Addison
Thomas Garrison Family
Leach, Rachel
Getting, Chuck
Linthicum, Pat & Mary
Byers, Louise
Grose, Beth
Maness, John
Butler, Jimmy
Henson, Bobby
Poole, D.C.
Cox, Marsha
Hinshaw, Myron
Rush, Nash
Cox, Ruth
Hyatt, Elaine
Spivey, Rebecca
Dickens, David
Kerry Jean Friend
Underwood, Steven
Frye, Linnie
Koenig, Cole
Withrow, Kenny
Nursing Home Residents
Name of Resident Nursing Home
Joyce Brown Universal Health Care
Helen Beane Universal Health Care
Ocho Scott Universal Health Care
Elna Macon Carillon Assisted Living
Norma Grub Gray Brier Nursing & Retirement Center
October 18, 2009 Bullentin
Holly Spring Friends Meeting
October is Stewardship Month
October 18th, 2009
SENIOR PASTOR........................................................ Todd Brown: 879-8388/318-5131 (cell)
YOUTH DIRECTOR/ASSOC. PASTOR..................... Amanda Smith: 879-4385/460-2100 (cell)
CLERK OF MONTHLY MEETING............................................................... Jeff Allen: 824-4943
CLERK OF MINISTRY & COUNSEL.................................................. Darren Trogdon: 824-8525
Church Office Hours: Tues/Wed/Thurs 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon
All announcements for the bulletin should be called or emailed to Kathy Vuncannon in the church office by Wednesday morning of each week. If anyone needs to reserve any of the church facilities or the church van, please call or e-mail Kathy with the dates and times.
Church Phone: 336-879-3136
Email: ▪ Website:
Van Ministry: Need a ride to church on Sunday mornings or to special events? WE CAN HELP!!! Please call Jon Smith 879-4385 by Saturday and we will make sure that you have transportation. You may also call the church office by Thursday’s.
9:45-10:45 a.m.............................................. SUNDAY SCHOOL for all ages
11:00 a.m.......................................................... MEETING FOR WORSHIP
Prelude and Centering Down
Congregational Hymn
Welcome and Announcements
Prayer Concerns
Children’s Message
Offering and Offertory
Special Music-----Tanner Henson
Open Worship
Today’s Greeters....................................... Tim & Linda Poole and Children
Greeters Next Sunday…………………………................... .Sam Phillips and Wade Robbins
Today’s Nursery Volunteers................................. Camille & Amber Hinshaw
Nursery Volunteers Next Sunday................................................................... Mary West
TODAY Monthly Meeting following morning Worship Reporting Committees are: House & Grounds Committees and Missions
MONDAY 7:00pm Finance Committee Meeting
TUESDAY 9:00-10:00 Movers & Shakers
WEDNESDAY 11:30 am Senior Citizen BINGO!!!!!!! Please join us at Franklinville Pentecostal Holiness Church
6:30pm Adult Bible Study
6:30pm God’s Helpers
6:30pm Youth Meeting
Refreshments: Vickie Alexander
7:30pm Choir Rehearsal
THRUSDAY 7:00 pm Alive and Well Exercise Group
FRIDAY 9:00-10:00 Movers & Shakers
Looking Ahead:
Oct 25th---Youth will provide a fellowship meal following worship.
Oct 31st---Light of the Night Celebration!!!!!
Pumpkin Festival Quaker Lake at October 25th Join us for an afternoon of fun and fellowship. (God’s Helper’s) will be leaving the church at 2:00 and returning at 6:30 Parent volunteers are welcome to attend please let Jennifer Trogdon (336) 824-8525 know if you can participant. The Pumpkin Festival will include Hay Rides, Games, Smores, Music and PUMPKINS! See you there!
HELP WANTED: A great new position is now available. The Christian Education Committee is searching for a wonderful, talented, exciting person that would love to become our Children’s Christmas Program Director/Directors. We are taking any and all volunteers for this wonderful experience so don’t hesitate to contact Mary West at 879-5483 or any one on the Christian Education Committee…….
CUOC Food Pantry Items for October: Green Beans
Ramseur Food Pantry for October: Pork n Beans
Sunday School Attendance –102 Visitors – 3 Offering – $173.00
Worship Service Attendance –117
Designated Contributions:
Williams Land Fund…………………………………………………………………… $280.00
Roast Beef Meal………………………………………………………………………… $2,322.50
CUOC/Ramseur Food Pantry………………………………………………………..$216.00
GENERAL FUND STATUS (w/o Williams Land)
Last Sunday’s Offering
Year-to-Date Offerings
Year-to-Date Requirement
$ 3,884.04
General Fund Weekly Requirement (w/o Williams Land)........................ $3,765.06
General Fund Weekly Requirement (with Williams Land)....................... $4,240.73
Prayer Ministry
Long Term Prayer Concerns
Allen, Cherri
Cox, Evelyn
Macon, Etta
Beane, Helen
Cox, Ina
Maness, Philip
Beck, Laurie
Craven, Lynden
McCutchen, Erin
Brady, Geneva
Grubb, Norma
McDowell, Helen
Brower, Jason
Koenig, Donald
Williams, Deborah
Brown, Joyce & W.L.
Macon, Eileen
Williams, LaVerne
Cox, Hilton & Patsy
Macon, Elna & J.H.
York, Kathleen
Prayer Concerns
Cox, Ruth
Hyatt, Elaine
Family of John Maness
Dickens, David
Kerry Jean Friend
Poole, D.C.
Frye, Linnie
Koenig, Cole
Spivey, Rebecca
Gettig, Chuck
Leach, Rachel
Underwood, Steven
Henson, Bobby
Lednum, Garland
Hinshaw, Myron
Linthicum, Pat & Mary
Nursing Home Residents
Name of Resident Nursing Home
Joyce Brown Universal Health Care
Helen Beane Universal Health Care
Ocho Scott Universal Health Care
Elna Macon Carillon Assisted Living
Norma Grub Gray Brier Nursing & Retirement Center
October 25th, 2009 Bullentin
Holly Spring Friends Meeting
October is Stewardship Month
October 25th, 2009
SENIOR PASTOR........................................................ Todd Brown: 879-8388/318-5131 (cell)
YOUTH DIRECTOR/ASSOC. PASTOR..................... Amanda Smith: 879-4385/460-2100 (cell)
CLERK OF MONTHLY MEETING............................................................... Jeff Allen: 824-4943
CLERK OF MINISTRY & COUNSEL.................................................. Darren Trogdon: 824-8525
Church Office Hours: Tues/Wed/Thurs 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon
All announcements for the bulletin should be called or emailed to Kathy Vuncannon in the church office by Wednesday morning of each week. If anyone needs to reserve any of the church facilities or the church van, please call or e-mail Kathy with the dates and times.
V Church Phone: 336-879-3136
Email: ▪ Website:
Van Ministry: Need a ride to church on Sunday mornings or to special events? WE CAN HELP!!! Please call Jon Smith 879-4385 by Saturday and we will make sure that you have transportation. You may also call the church office by Thursday’s.
9:45-10:45 a.m.............................................. SUNDAY SCHOOL for all ages
11:00 a.m.......................................................... MEETING FOR WORSHIP
Prelude and Centering Down
Congregational Hymn
Welcome and Announcements
Prayer Concerns
Children’s Message
Offering and Offertory
Choral Ministry
Open Worship
Today’s Greeters........................................ Sam Phillips and Wade Robbins
Greeters Next Sunday………………………….......................... .Winford and Diane Reeder
Today’s Nursery Volunteers..................................................................... Mary West
Nursery Volunteers Next Sunday................................................. Beth & Steven Grose
TODAY Youth will provide a fellowship meal following worship. Come and enjoy a nice
Pumpkin Festival at Quaker Lake leaving today. Join us for an afternoon of fun and fellowship. (God’s Helper) will be leaving the church at 2:15 and returning at 6:30. Parent volunteers are welcome to attend.
TUESDAY 9:00-10:00 Movers & Shakers
WEDNESDAY 6:30pm Adult Bible Study
6:30pm God’s Helpers
6:30pm Youth Meeting
Refreshments: Kate Pruitt
7:30pm Choir Rehearsal
7:00 pm Alive and Well Exercise Group
FRIDAY 9:00-10:00 Movers & Shakers
Looking Ahead:
Oct 31st Light of the Night Celebration!!!!!! TRUNK OR TREAT! Please bring your best dresses cars, vans, and trucks full of candy for this evening of fun and fellowship!
Nov 3rd—USFW Quaker Ladies: Program Leader: Judy Craven and Hostess: Judy Cox at the FLC @ 7:00p.m.
Nov. 4th—Afternoon USFW Missionary Circle @ 1:00p.m.
Nov. 7th—Movie Night in the FLC make it a Family Night!
Smile for the camera from November 4th-7th!!! Come in your Sunday best. Don’t forget the times your family signed up for! We look forward to seeing all of you in front of the CAMERA!!!
HELP WANTED: A great new position is now available. The Christian Education Committee is searching for a wonderful, talented, exciting person that would love to become our Children’s Christmas Program Director/Directors. We are taking any and all volunteers for this wonderful experience so don’t hesitate to contact Mary West at 879-5483 or any one on the Christian Education Committee…….
PARENT”S NIGHT OUT!!!! November 14th, 2009 Time; 4:00pm-9:00pm A great evening hosted by our Youth Group with Fun and Games and supper will be provided! So parents take this time and enjoy yourselves.
CUOC Food Pantry Items for October: Green Beans
Ramseur Food Pantry for October: Pork n Beans
Sunday School Attendance –90 Visitors – 7 Offering – $45.00
Worship Service Attendance –118
Designated Contributions:
Williams Land Fund…………………………………………………………………… $133.00
John Maness Memorial (Land Fund)…………………………………………….$133.00
GENERAL FUND STATUS (w/o Williams Land)
Last Sunday’s Offering
Year-to-Date Offerings
Year-to-Date Requirement
$ 4,056.18
General Fund Weekly Requirement (w/o Williams Land)........................ $3,765.06
General Fund Weekly Requirement (with Williams Land)....................... $4,240.73
Prayer Ministry
Long Term Prayer Concerns
Allen, Cherri
Cox, Evelyn
Macon, Etta
Beane, Helen
Cox, Ina
Maness, Philip
Beck, Laurie
Craven, Lynden
McCutchen, Erin
Brady, Geneva
Grubb, Norma
McDowell, Helen
Brower, Jason
Koenig, Donald
Williams, Deborah
Brown, Joyce & W.L.
Macon, Eileen
Williams, LaVerne
Cox, Hilton & Patsy
Macon, Elna & J.H.
York, Kathleen
Prayer Concerns
Cox, Ruth
Hinshaw, Myron
Dickens, David
Hyatt, Elaine
Poole, D.C.
Frye, Linnie
Kerry Jean Friend
Spivey, Rebecca
Getting, Chuck
Leach, Rachel
Underwood, Steven
Henson, Bobby
Linthicum, Pat & Mary
Nursing Home Residents
Name of Resident Nursing Home
Joyce Brown Universal Health Care
Helen Beane Universal Health Care
Ocho Scott Universal Health Care
Elna Macon Carillon Assisted Living
Norma Grub Gray Brier Nursing & Retirement Center
September 27th, 2009 Bullentin
Welcome to Holly Spring Friends Meeting
September 27th, 2009
SENIOR PASTOR Todd Brown: 879-8388/318-5131 (cell)
YOUTH DIRECTOR/ASSOC. PASTOR Amanda Smith: 879-4385/460-2100 (cell)
CLERK OF MINISTRY & COUNSEL Darren Trogdon: 824-8525
Church Office Hours: Tues/Wed/Thurs 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon
All announcements for the bulletin should be called or emailed to Kathy Vuncannon in the church office by Wednesday morning of each week. If anyone needs to reserve any of the church facilities or the church van, please call or e-mail Kathy with the dates and times.
Church Phone: 336-879-3136
Email: ▪ Website:
9:45-10:45 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL for all ages
Prelude and Centering Down
Congregational Hymn
Welcome and Announcements
Prayer Concerns
Children’s Story
Offering and Offertory
Choral Ministry
Open Worship
Welcoming of “New Members” ----Right Hand of Fellowship
Today’s Greeters Joe and Phyllis Allen
Greeters Next Sunday…………………………........ .Robin & Kathy Robbins
Today’s Nursery Volunteers Janice Cheek
Nursery Volunteers Next Sunday Mary Smith
CUOC Food Pantry Items for September: Laundry/Dish Detergent
Ramseur Food Pantry for September: Dried Beans
Looking Ahead:
Oct 2---Afternoon USFW Missionary Circle will be meeting at 1:00
Oct 3----Movie Night here at Holly Spring Church. More information coming soon!
Oct 5-----Quaker Ladies Meeting in the Family Life Center at
7:00pm Program Leader: Ruth Cox Our Hostess: Jennifer Trogdon
Oct 21----Senior Citizen BINGO!!!!!!! Save the date you don’t
want to miss a great morning full of fun, fellowship, and
excitement! Please join us at Franklinville Pentecostal Holiness
We would like to lift up John Maness up in prayer along with his family. We just wanted to provide you with his address if you would like to visit with him or his family and also to send out cards to brighten his day.
Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center
C/O John Maness
Medical Center Blvd.
Winston-Salem, NC 2715 Phone: 1-800-446-2255
Youth that want to have fun along with fellowship you don’t want to miss October 4th. Mark it on your calendar and plan on attending a great golfing experience at “Glo-Golf. Our youth will be leaving right after church for lunch and an exciting game of miniature golf in the dark!!!
Please join us as we welcome the newsest members to Holly Spring Friends Meeting: Julia Cook & Ocho Scott. WELCOME!
Sunday School Attendance – 17 Visitors –0 Offering – $11.00
Worship Service Attendance –120
Designated Contributions:
Williams Land Fund…………………………………………………………………… $410.00
Teen Challenge………………………………………………………………………… $120.00
CUOC………………………… $125.00 Ramseur Food Pantry……………….$125.00
GENERAL FUND STATUS (w/o Williams Land)
Last Sunday’s Offering ---$ 2,303.00
Year-to-Date Offerings ---$125,580.42
Year-to-Date Requirement---$143,072.25
General Fund Weekly Requirement (w/o Williams Land) $3,765.06
General Fund Weekly Requirement (with Williams Land) $4,240.73
Prayer Ministry
Long Term Prayer Concerns
Allen, Cherri Cox, Evelyn Macon, Etta
Beane, Helen Cox, Ina Maness, Philip
Beck, Laurie Craven, Lynden McCutchen, Erin
Brady, Geneva Grubb, Norma Williams, Deborah
Brower, Jason Koenig, Donald Williams, LaVerne
Brown, Joyce & W.L. Macon, Eileen York, Kathleen
Cox, Hilton & Patsy Macon, Elna & J.H.
Prayer Concerns
Allen, Addison DeLuca, Summer Maness, John
Byers, Louise Frye, Linnie Poole, D.C.
Thomas Garrison Family
Butler, Jimmy Hinshaw, Myron Rush, Nash
Cox, Marsha Hyatt, Elaine Spivey, Rebecca
Cox, Ruth Leach, Rachel Underwood, Steven
Craven, Lynden Linthicum, Pat & Mary Withrow, Kenny
Nursing Home Residents
Name of Resident Nursing Home
Joyce Brown Universal Health Care
Helen Beane Universal Health Care
Elna Macon Carillon Assisted Living
Norma Grub Gray Brier Nursing & Retirement Center
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Thursday, October 22, 2009
October 18, 2009
October is Stewardship Month
- All announcements for the bulletin should be called or emailed to Kathy Vuncannon in the church office by Wednesday morning of each week. If anyone needs to reserve any of the church facilities or the church van, please call or e-mail Kathy with the dates and times.
- Church Phone: 336-879-3136
- Email: ▪ Website:
- Van Ministry: Need a ride to church on Sunday mornings or to special events? WE CAN HELP!!! Please call Jon Smith 879-4385 by Saturday and we will make sure that you have transportation. You may also call the church office by Thursday’s.